What We Do

We provide a range of support services which are dedicated to improving the independence, confidence and life skills of people with a range of disabilities, whatever their age, in their local community.

Surrey Choices supports disabled people, autistic people, those with sensory needs, those with mental health problems and older people. Our objective is to allow every person the chance to fulfil their potential and reach their goals, through enjoying, learning and achieving.

Surrey Choices offers a wide range of activities. These ensure that each person’s needs are supported and met in line with their Person Centred Plan.

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Activities can take place in the community or at one of our Community Hubs across Surrey. Activities are designed to develop skills, confidence and independence for the people we support.

The type of activities we offer include:

  • creative sessions
  • leisure and sports fitness
  • horticulture
  • life-skills building
  • sensory activities
  • health and beauty


We offer a range of employment and learning support which covers all aspects of an employment journey starting with our getting ready for work projects, day to day working practices, career guidance, job search, CV writing and interview preparation.

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For those in work, we provide job coaching and ongoing support for both an employee and employer. We provide support with everything from volunteering opportunities to work experience to support with paid work.

We work with a wide range of people in Surrey and its surrounding areas, including disabled people and autistic people and sensory and mental health needs. We will help our customers to look for vocational projects, supported internships and employment.

Employment and Learning

We support people to live the life they want via our Shared Lives or Short Breaks services.  With Shared Lives, a young person or adult who needs support moves in with or regularly visits an approved Shared Lives carer.

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This will happen after they have got to know each other and we have matched them for compatibility. Together, they share family and community life. Short breaks is a respite service where you can stay somewhere else for a night or few days to relax and have fun.

These service offers a real alternative to other forms of support and accommodation for disabled people, autistic people, older people or those with other support needs, whatever their age.

The aim of our home and living services are to encourage our customers to gain confidence, have greater independence and develop skills and lasting relationships.

Home and Living

There are plenty of opportunities for Surrey residents and businesses to support and benefit from the work that our fantastic customers do. We provide a range of projects that not only help our customers to develop their skills, but will help you in many ways too.

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From letting us know of a gardening project which our Growth Team could help with to visiting our Choices Cafe with friends, there are many ways you can support our work.
